Outdoor Gear & Clothing Consignment Shop in the Heart of Winter Park
Main Street in Winter Park is full of treasures: Winter Park Trading Company is no exception. The only outdoor gear consignment shop in the county, the Trading Company is out to make adventure accessible and sustainable. Located next to Cooper Creek Square and across the street from Deno's in Winter Park, its central location makes it easy to pop by to peruse the current selection, drop off gear to sell, or pick up supplies for a day of fishing.
What better place to find gently-used sporting and outdoor gear than a town where outdoor play is the lifestyle? With the abundance of outdoor activities and sports available in the Fraser Valley, the Trading Company has no shortage of consigners offering high-quality gear and clothes. The diverse selection offers a full-range of options, both new and used: bikes, golf clubs, rafts, camping equipment, skis, snowboards, boots, poles, hockey equipment, climbing gear, winter apparel, and more line the walls and fill the shelves of the shop. Shopping for kids? They've got you covered. Picking up gently-used gear and clothes for your little ones can help you keep up with those growth spurts! If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, swing by a couple days later and check again--it's likely to show up soon!
Ready to pass on your lightly-loved outdoor gear or clothing for its next adventure? Whether you're cleaning out the garage, ready to upgrade, or looking to make a little extra, Winter Park Trading Company makes the process easy. It just takes a few minutes to set up a consignor account. After that, dropping gear off is a breeze. They handle the pricing, labeling, and record-keeping so you can spend your free time enjoying the mountains! Like all consignment shops, they keep a percentage of the sale price. Check out the break down here. If you use your balance to buy from the shop rather than cash out, you even get a discount on your purchase. Using the Trading Company to sell your gear is simple and convenient!
Winter Park Trading Company is not only a retail shop--they also partner with Mo Henry's Outfitters to cover all your fishing needs. They'll get you set up for a day on the river: purchase or rent rods & reels, stock up on flies and bait, and get your fishing license all in one place. They also offer guided trips. Call them to learn more about their expert guides and what a day on the river in our lovely Rocky Mountains could look like with one! Or stop in and connect with someone at the shop. You'll likely even end up scoring some pre-loved gear while you're in there!
Monday: 9am-5pm
Tuesday: 9am-5pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday: 8am-5pm
Sunday: 10am-4pm
Posted by Leah Bishop on
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